Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for Family

Maddies cute smile!
Thanksgiving 2008

The O'Grady Family

She loves the camera!

Grandma Becky!

If someone were to ask me what I am Thankful for I would have to say Family. We are so blessed to have such a close famliy. We all enjoy getting together and listening to eachother stories or just enjoy getting together. There are so many of us that it keeps us busy. We are all enjoying watching maddie grow up to be a wonderful little girl. Mike and I are having so much fun being parents. We could not ask for better Grandmas and Grandpas either. Maddie is finding out how to use her voice box these days. We have been telling everyone about how loud she is. Then when anyone comes over or we go anywhere she does not make a sound. We are feeling like no one believes us. Maddie is trying very hard to try and sit up. If you put her in the sitting position then she can do it but she has no idea how to go from her stomache to her rear. She will figure it out soon enough. Today was a big day for us it was our first day of Family Photos. Things went real well. I am hoping that they turn out well enough to make Christmas Cards for everyone. Well here are some more photos of family and maddie. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Miss Maddie

Maddie and her baby!
Maddie found her feet!

My first fAll.......

Maddie rolling around on the floor!

Maddie waiting for sweet potatoes!
(hurry up mom)

Growing up so Fast!!!!

Maddie is growing up so Fast. It is so much fun to watch her grow and learn new things everyday. It seems like I am always calling Mike with something new she has done. Thank god for cell phones because I am always sending him pictures of her. She is has been trying to get her first tooth or teeth, were not sure yet which one. It has made her one unhappy little girl. People always warned us that it is not a fun stage. I thought oh it won't happen to us because she has been such an easy baby. Well she has been testing us just like Mike and I tested our moms. Her new thing now is she can get up on her hands and knees. She will rock back and forth and gets kind of upset cause she can't go anywhere. When she can Mike and I are going to be pretty busy. If she is going to be anything like Mike and I were, well we are in for it. I have heard stories how Mike was and I know how I was. That is the joys of parenthood and I wouldn't trade it or her for anything. Maddie and I have been busy taking some pictures. She now knows what is going on when I get my camera out. She looks at me like not again mom. So here are few photos of our Little Miss Maddie.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Kade, Ryan O'Grady and Jase Anderson

Cooper the Rodeo Clown!

The Whole Gang!!!

Best Friend Jaime Been and Blake, Brooklyn and

Our little Punkin Maddie!!!

We had so much fun dressing maddie up. It is always fun to see all the kids and their great ideas for costums. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.

October 2088!

Maddie loves her babies!
Cousin Clay on his Birthday!

She loves her sweet potatoes!

Walking in the park!

Her billy bob teeth pacifier

Maddie is rolling all over and loving it! She can make it all through the whole living room. She just rolls to what she wants. She is just now trying to figure out how to put her legs under her so it won't be long till she will crawl.

Maddie is weighing in at 15lbs 2oz and 27 1/2 inches long!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

September 2008!

Dad and Maddie!
Uncle Royce!

First Day for Rice Cereal! Messy!

Cousin Keenan!

Well fall is here and we had a fun summer with maddie. We are so blessed to have her in our family! I love watching her grow and learn new things.

Last of September Fun!

September Fun!

Maddies first Air Show!
Curt, Mike and Maddie and the Round-up Parade

Maddies first modeling gig!

4 Genarations!

Things we did in September!

Let'er Buck 2008

Dad and Maddie

Cousin Keenan

Cousins Keenan and Clay

Maddies first Round-up!

Bath Time

Maddie loves her bath time!

September 2008

Pendleton Round-up 2008!