Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankful for Family

Maddies cute smile!
Thanksgiving 2008

The O'Grady Family

She loves the camera!

Grandma Becky!

If someone were to ask me what I am Thankful for I would have to say Family. We are so blessed to have such a close famliy. We all enjoy getting together and listening to eachother stories or just enjoy getting together. There are so many of us that it keeps us busy. We are all enjoying watching maddie grow up to be a wonderful little girl. Mike and I are having so much fun being parents. We could not ask for better Grandmas and Grandpas either. Maddie is finding out how to use her voice box these days. We have been telling everyone about how loud she is. Then when anyone comes over or we go anywhere she does not make a sound. We are feeling like no one believes us. Maddie is trying very hard to try and sit up. If you put her in the sitting position then she can do it but she has no idea how to go from her stomache to her rear. She will figure it out soon enough. Today was a big day for us it was our first day of Family Photos. Things went real well. I am hoping that they turn out well enough to make Christmas Cards for everyone. Well here are some more photos of family and maddie. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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