Sunday, November 9, 2008

Miss Maddie

Maddie and her baby!
Maddie found her feet!

My first fAll.......

Maddie rolling around on the floor!

Maddie waiting for sweet potatoes!
(hurry up mom)

Growing up so Fast!!!!

Maddie is growing up so Fast. It is so much fun to watch her grow and learn new things everyday. It seems like I am always calling Mike with something new she has done. Thank god for cell phones because I am always sending him pictures of her. She is has been trying to get her first tooth or teeth, were not sure yet which one. It has made her one unhappy little girl. People always warned us that it is not a fun stage. I thought oh it won't happen to us because she has been such an easy baby. Well she has been testing us just like Mike and I tested our moms. Her new thing now is she can get up on her hands and knees. She will rock back and forth and gets kind of upset cause she can't go anywhere. When she can Mike and I are going to be pretty busy. If she is going to be anything like Mike and I were, well we are in for it. I have heard stories how Mike was and I know how I was. That is the joys of parenthood and I wouldn't trade it or her for anything. Maddie and I have been busy taking some pictures. She now knows what is going on when I get my camera out. She looks at me like not again mom. So here are few photos of our Little Miss Maddie.

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